MPC Connected - Wednesday, March 25, 2020

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Welcome to MPC Connected! With our church family separated, we will be communicating with you throughout the week in a more intentional way, including emails from Max and Jeff, opportunities to serve others, and more. Enjoy!  

Greetings MPC Family,

Each Wednesday during this season of separation, you will hear from us about a way you can be involved in serving our church and/or the wider community. We have two things for you today (one for the adults, one for the kids).

We'll start with the kids. We've reached out to Fair Acres Nursing Home, where MPC member Wayne Richardson typically leads a monthly worship service. We asked if they would welcome drawings from the kids in our church family. They were excited about this, and asked if we could collect drawings from our church kids and send them over electronically. These drawings will then be streamed on the tv screens in the facility for the residents to enjoy. If you have kids, would you please consider having them draw a picture - then scan it and send it to If you are comfortable with it, you can even take a picture of your child holding their picture. We will then collect the drawings/pictures and send them over to Fair Acres. Deadline for submitting your pictures is Monday, March 30. Thank you!

As for the adults, we're so thankful for those who have reached out and asked how they can help and serve the church right now. We will let you know if/when more tangible needs arise, but for now the BIGGEST thing you can do is check in with other church members. We're attaching a current church directory - would you consider texting or calling one other church member each day to see how they are doing? It could be a great opportunity to get to know people that you normally don't talk to, and for God to continue to build community during this time. Click here to access the directory - is password protected so that it can't be opened by people not involved with the church. If you need the password, drop Donna a line at the email address below.

We miss you and love you!

Though we are separated during this unique season, we want you to know we are available. We will be doing our best to stay in touch in many ways, but if you need prayer or just need someone to talk to, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. You can always send a prayer request to Donna ( You can also email or call Max or Jeff or any of our elders. Max's email is and his phone # is 484-886-7726. Jeff's email is and his phone number is 540-818-6215.